Sample Down Link Parameter

To receive a FTA (Free to Air) or CAS (Conditional Access) channel, an earth station engineer needs know to some parameters of that specific channel. Those are called down-link parameter of that channel.  First need the satellite orbital position. Down-link wave polarization may be horizontal or vertical. Those who use cross polarization, if their up-link polarization is vertical then down-link polarization will be horizontal and vice versa. For most the C band channel, they use cross polarization. As video compression technique MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 are generally used. As DVB system DVB-S and DVB-S2 are used. For HD channel MPGE-4 as video compression technique and DVB-S2 as DVB system are used. The main parameter to receive a channel is down-link frequency. It is related with up-link frequency. Another parameter is FEC--Forward Error Correction. It is used as error detection and correction scheme. Generally FEC value is used ¾ or 7/8.


Satellite Name: Apstar 6
Orbital Position: 134 degree East
Frequency Band: C
Downlink Wave Polarization: Horizontal
Demodulation Technique: QPSK
DVB System Type: DVB-S
Video Decompression Technique: MPEG-2
Downlink Frequency: 4150 MHz
Modulation Rate: 9.62830 Mega Baud
FEC: ¾


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