How Sun Outage looks like on the Spectrum Analyser

Is a very nice website to help you with the sun outage view worldwide at any given time.

They also created a tool which makes it easier to configure satellites of interest.
It will open an URL where all the parameters are part of the URL. This URL can be bookmarked or shared.
At the moment it is preconfigured for 10 second refresh, 1m (40inch) antenna, Ku-band and with affected area is based on where the Sun is inside the receiving antenna 3dB beam width.

It is also possible to select only the satellites that are relevant for you.

2. Tick the "Plot selected satellites" tick-box 3. Select satellites relevant to you want by using CTRL+click (multiple list selections) 4. After the satellites is selected you can click on auto update "10s" button.
5. Click the button "Click for big map" in the top left corner if you want a bigger map 6. You can also click the "URL link with settings" for URL which contains your selected satellites (can be bookmarked for recall later).

You also have is that helps.

Attached is a video to show what you see on the spectrum analyser. Basically the sun is a giant transmitter (from 0 Hz to eternity) so your downlink is swamped with noise. This is why in the video you see the carrier remains but the noise (only seen left and right) increases until you lose lock. It comes by itself and goes away by itself.
The smaller the antenna the longer the sun outage (because the openings angles is larger). The larger the antenna the shorter (because the openings angles is smaller).

Source: Eurovision


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